The Old Charges Revisited

Since 1717, this has been a subject of passionate concern to almost every Freemason. There remain a mass of competing views and theories, and this question has dominated research into Freemasonry.

The Influence of Kings on Craft Freemasonry

‘From time immemorial’ we have been very fortunate in that our Craft has had the support of Royalty. Without that support I doubt that we would be in the same position as we are today, even taking into account our declining numbers. Royalty brought and registered a degree of class, charisma & gentlemanly behaviour to … Read more

Provincial Stewards on Tour

Following the Annual Provincial Meeting in May this year two newly appointed Provincial Grand Stewards wasted no time in visiting ancient and interesting Lodges around the UK. W Bro Martin Parrack visited two Scottish Lodges during his first week in office, the first being the Lodge of Edinburgh (Mary’s Chapel) No. 1. Martin reports, “This … Read more

Did Sir Robert Moray, distinguished Freemason and first president of the Royal Society betray his King?

In order to learn more about this very complex man and the exciting times in which he lived, we will attempt to examine his motives and actions during the war years. The problem with looking back 400 years is separating fact from fiction which in Robert Moray’s case is no easy task. Look what happens when writers feel a need to flesh out details.