Freemasons donate £60,000 to British Deaf Association to create sign-language videos

The British Deaf Association has been awarded a grant of £60,000 to help fund sign-language videos to help deaf people access vital services.

The grant will fund the production of 240 sign-language videos which aim to help deaf people access services ranging from health matters through to legal and financial advice.

Commemorating the Chernobyl Disaster.

Service of Commemoration for the 30th Anniversary of the Chernobyl Disaster. Guests in the Quire at Canterbury Cathedral Daniel John from Union Lodge No 127, Margate, and his wife Charlotte, who run the Herne Bay Link of the National Chernobyl Children’s Life Line Charity, together with Sarah Day from the Ashford Link, organised a cathedral … Read more

Grand Secretary’s column – Winter 2015

From the Grand Secretary On behalf of the members of the United Grand Lodge of England, a message of congratulations was sent to the Grand Master on the occasion of his 80th birthday. How fortunate we all are to have such a dedicated royal leader since his installation as Grand Master by the 11th Earl of Scarbrough on 27 … Read more