The Plucknett Lodge No: 1708

George Plucknett Senior was the founder & First Master of the Plucknett Lodge No: 1708. He was a surveyor by profession, residing in Gray’s Inn Road, North London & was initiated into Freemasonry on 28th March 1850 in the Royal Naval Lodge No: 70 (now No: 59). He was passed & raised in the same year & made a rapid advancement through the Lodge, being appointed Junior Warden in 1851, Senior Warden in 1852 & by 1853 he was installed as Worshipful Master.

Sir Francis Columbine Daniel: Freemason and inventor of the life preserver

All at sea It is no coincidence that the same man who invented the life preserver and received a mistaken knighthood also had a wholly unique relationship with Freemasonry. John Hamill considers the life of Francis Columbine Daniel On 21 July 1806, crowds thronged to the River Thames in London to view an exhibition of Francis Columbine Daniel’s … Read more