£1,000 presented to RNLI in Poole by Lt Cdr James King

A cheque for £1,000 has been presented to the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) in Poole from the Grand Charity Relief Chest of Public Schools Installed Masters’ Lodge, No. 9077. This donation was part of the Master’s List raised by the lodge during Lt Cdr James King’s year as lodge Master and was received by Will Collins, an RNLI employee and volunteer member of the Poole lifeboat.

Matched Funding Grant to the Bury Branch of the RNLI – Bury District News

Matched Funding Grant to the Bury Branch of the RNLI In November of last year the Freemasons Grand Charity offered match funding of £1,000 to a suitable project in each Province. The Prince of Wales Lodge, 1012, in the Bury District, applied for a grant of £1,000 from the Community Fund for the Royal National … Read more