WICL and RAM Assembly

Worshipful Commander Mel Broadhurst The Annual Installation Meeting of the Worcestershire Installed Commanders Lodge took place at Rainbow Hill, Worcester on Tuesday 17th May when W Bro Mel Broadhurst was Installed as Commander. An attendance of just 54 was dis-appointing for a lodge with the potential of 200 plus membership. Following the investiture of W … Read more

Blackpool Festival

Blackpool Festival Blackpool and District Mark Festival is a great success “Beyond the Mark” was the theme for the 46th Blackpool and District Mark Festival which was this year staged by Fylde Lodge of Mark Master Masons No 296 at Adelaide Street Masonic Hall in Blackpool. The Provincial team turned out in force for the … Read more

Allied Masonic Degrees – Degrees of Significance

Of the many ‘extra-Craft’ degrees, those five controlled by the Grand Council of the Order of the Allied Masonic Degrees are probably the least known: one has to be a Mark Master and a Royal Arch Mason to be eligible and this double qualification will exclude many. There are also fewer private Allied Councils than there are lodges, or equivalent bodies, for the much larger orders of Mark and Royal Ark Mariners and even of smaller orders, such as the Royal and Select Masters.