Royal Arch supporting Motor Neurone Disease Association – The Royal Arch Masons of Yorkshire West Riding

Last year a team compromising of Paul Harrison, Kevin Nicholas, Craig Lingard and Tim Crawshaw of Batley sponsor Riget Financial from the Bulldogs won a major prize at a golf day in West Yorkshire. Derek Ventress, the Batley Bulldogs Chaplin was presented with a cheque by Stuart carley of the Royal Arch Masons of Yorkshire … Read more

The Perfect Points library

The meeting of ‘Perfect Points’ took place at Ridgmont House in Horwich. The Chorley researchers had chosen John Belton to deliver his talk, ‘Build your own inexpensive Masonic library’. John is an established Masonic author as well as being a member of The Quatuor Coronati Lodge No 2076 and also a member of the Manchester … Read more

A grand day out for Lancaster Group

It might have been a ‘Grand Day Out’ for Nick Park’s characters Wallace and Gromit in the 1989 film of that title but in a similar manner the Royal Arch companions of Lancaster Group had an equally grand day out in Southport. Neil McGill (right) and Paul Craddock celebrating at Southport. Just to clarify the … Read more

Deputy Grand Superintendent’s Column

As we approach the end of the 2015/16 season in Freemasonry and in our particular case in the Royal Arch. I was delighted to see so many companions at Provincial Grand Chapter and an equally packed dining room. I believe the Southport Theatre and Convention Centre is a great venue for all, and I thank … Read more

Royal Arch Clothing

The Royal Arch Mason’s clothing includes robes, aprons, sashes, collars, chains and jewels. The 1766 rules of the Excellent Grand and Royal Chapter say that the Excellent Grand Principals will wear proper Robes, Caps, Jewels, but no Apron. All the Companions wear Aprons (unless they are authorised to wear Robes), and the Aprons shall be … Read more