Advanced Degrees by W.Bro. J.S.M. WARD

In attempting to give an outline sketch of the various degrees in Freemasonry in a book of this description, I am faced by many difficulties, not the least of which is how to write in an interesting way about degrees, which many of my readers have not taken, without giving away more than is permissible. … Read more

The Mysticism of the Royal Arch

by the late W. Bro. Lt.-Cdr. C. R. MANASSEH, P.M. London Grand Rank – London Grand Chapter Rank Lodge No. 3549 (Old Bradfield); P.Z., Chapter No. 2233 (Public Schools) 1027 (Shanghai Tuscan), 2060 (La France) The title of this paper does not imply that mysticism is confined in Masonry to the Royal Arch alone, and … Read more

Why to Become A Freemason – The Attraction of values

When being asked, what would be the value of a diamond, mostly everybody answers in terms of higher amounts of money. A poor wanderer in the desert, in need of a cup of water, would probably give a better answer to this question, because he reflects of value in a different way. “Most valuable” for him means, “serving his needs and desires best”.