Freemason William Austin Burt, American inventor, legislator, surveyor, and millwright

American inventor, legislator, surveyor, and millwright. He was the inventor, maker and patentee of the first typewriter constructed in America. He is referred to as the “father of the typewriter”. Burt also invented the first workable solar compass, a solar use surveying instrument, and the equatorial sextant, a precision navigational aid to determine with one observation the location of a ship at sea.

Did Sir Robert Moray, distinguished Freemason and first president of the Royal Society betray his King?

In order to learn more about this very complex man and the exciting times in which he lived, we will attempt to examine his motives and actions during the war years. The problem with looking back 400 years is separating fact from fiction which in Robert Moray’s case is no easy task. Look what happens when writers feel a need to flesh out details.

Promoting Mutual Support

A Seminar for the Freemasons Located in Region 1 Following the introduction earlier this year of the eight regional groups in East Kent, a seminar was held on 21st May for the twenty-one Lodges and seven Royal Arch Chapters meeting at the three Masonic Centres located in region 1. Awaiting breakfast Philip South Peter Hagger Forty … Read more