The Old Charges Revisited

Since 1717, this has been a subject of passionate concern to almost every Freemason. There remain a mass of competing views and theories, and this question has dominated research into Freemasonry.

The Influence of Kings on Craft Freemasonry

‘From time immemorial’ we have been very fortunate in that our Craft has had the support of Royalty. Without that support I doubt that we would be in the same position as we are today, even taking into account our declining numbers. Royalty brought and registered a degree of class, charisma & gentlemanly behaviour to … Read more

Some Biblical passages in Masonry by W.Bro. Ronald Paul Ng The Lodge of St. George No. 1152

When I first went through the 2nd degree and heard these words from the W. Master “ are now permitted to extend your researches into the hidden mysteries of Nature and Science” I was struck by the absurdity of it. Here I am, a medical doctor, whose very profession required the study of the hidden mysteries of Nature and Science being told I am now permitted to do so

Atheism and Freemasonry by Bro. Joshua L. Rubin

There is a universal Masonic requirement of belief in Deity, which is followed by all regular Grand Lodges of the world. As Entered Apprentices, receiving Light for the first time, Masons are cautioned that no Atheist may be made a Mason


by Bro. H.L. HAYWOOD, Editor THE BUILDER The Builder Magazine, June 1924 – Volume X – Number 6 THE OLD CHARGES OF FREEMASONRY   I. WHAT THE OLD CHARGES ARE I have just come from reading an article in one of the more obscure Masonic periodicals in which an unknown brother lets go with this … Read more