Excellent Companion Harry Carr of Sun Square ans Compasses Chapter No 119. Fifty Year Holy Royal Arch Chapter Certificate Presentation

Excellent Companion Harry Carr of Sun Square ans Compasses Chapter No 119. Fifty Year Holy Royal Arch Chapter Certificate Presentation Friday the 13th of May 2016 was not an unlucky one for the Sun Square and Compasses Chapter No 119: we were meeting to celebrate Excellent Companion Harry Carr’s 50 years in Royal Arch Masonry. … Read more

Emulation Lodge of Improvement Preceptors’ Festival 2016

Emulation Lodge of Improvement Preceptors’ Festival 2016 Friday, June 24, 2016 from 4:30 PM – 9:00 PM Emulation Lodge of Improvement will hold its Preceptors’ Festival at Freemasons’ Hall, Great Queen Street, London WC2B 5AZ on Friday 24th June 2016. This year we will be demonstrating the Ceremonies of Initiation and Installation and the Committee … Read more

West Lancashire Provincial Grand Lodge – Blackpool

Wednesday, 18th May 2016 Meetings & Ceremonies West Lancashire Provincial Grand Lodge – Blackpool PGM Norman Thompson found time in his busy schedule to attend the West Lancashire Provincial Grand Lodge meeting held in Blackpool. Accompanying Norman was Provincial Grand Secretary Keith Beaumont. The venue was the Winter Gardens with some 1200 Masons being in attendance. Following the formalities … Read more

Director of Ceremonies Forum 07/05/2016

Director of Ceremonies Forum 07/05/2016 A Director of Ceremonies Forum was organised by the South West Cumberland Group, and held at Wath Brow Masonic Hall on Saturday 7th May 2016.W.Bro Ian D’Arcy, Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies led the forum which attracted 25 Brethren from around the Province. W.Bro D’Arcy quickly engaged the Brethren, involving them … Read more

New Appointments

Event date: 2016-03-09 Congratulations to all Brethren who received new appointments recently. CraftFirst Appointments.Terry Crellin PAGDCDavid Kellet PAGDCAndrew Phillip Moore PAGDC PromotionsPhillip Harry Gunning(WL) PGSwdBKeith Beattie PJGD Supreme Grand ChapterFirst Appointment Keith Robert Beaumont PGStB Contributed by: W.Bro. Keith Beaumont