Help For Young People in the York Area

The Worshipful Master of Minster Lodge No. 4663, Tony Clements and his wife Pat together with Charity Steward Keith Bell were delighted to have been able to make a donation of £600.00 to Adele Coupe the Operations Manager for the charity SASH (Safe and Sound Homes) at their offices in Walmgate, York. (The lodge donated … Read more

Freemasons donate TWO breathing monitors to York Hospital Special Care Baby Unit

Mitre Freemasons Lodge, Donation £1,590 to York Hospital Special Care Baby Unit

Freemasons donate TWO breathing monitors to York Hospital Special Care Baby Unit

TWO breathing monitors have been donated to York’s Special Care Baby Unit. The Freemasons Mitre Lodge of York and the Provincial Grand Charity of Yorkshire North and East Ridings donated £1,590 for the monitors.

Neil Reader, charity steward for Mitre Lodge York, said: “I can personally testify to the great work that goes on in SCBU at York Hospital and the members of Mitre Lodge have been delighted to once again assist the good work of the unit and are grateful for the further support from Provincial Grand Charity which has enabled the purchase of two respiration monitors.”

The respiration monitors will be used both in the hospital and at a person’s home to continuously monitor a baby’s breathing and alarm if the breathing stops. These can be used when a baby is sent home on oxygen or if a family has a history of babies dying from cot death. Vicky Alderson, Sister on SCBU said, “We are extremely grateful to both the Freemasons and Provincial Grand Charity for their very generous donation. We have been able to buy two respiration monitors for the unit which are incredibly beneficial to staff and patients. Thank you to all those involved for their fantastic support.” Share article