Chorley Group’s big day in Southport

The Provincial Grand Chapter meeting in Southport was a great day for celebrating the honours received by Chorley Group companions. The roll of honour included: Paul Renton to Second Provincial Grand Principal, Ian Higham to Third Provincial Grand Principal, Tony Hall to Assistant to the Provincial Grand Principals, with acting ranks for Rey Morris to … Read more

A grand day out for Lancaster Group

It might have been a ‘Grand Day Out’ for Nick Park’s characters Wallace and Gromit in the 1989 film of that title but in a similar manner the Royal Arch companions of Lancaster Group had an equally grand day out in Southport. Neil McGill (right) and Paul Craddock celebrating at Southport. Just to clarify the … Read more

Eccles Group chapter promotions at Southport

Companions from Eccles Group travelled to the meeting of Provincial Grand Chapter held at the Southport Convention Centre in the presence of the Grand Superintendent Tony Harrison, at which many of them were to receive Provincial honours or promotions. Receiving honours were Stephen Rhodes Provincial Grand Registrar (reappointed) (Chapter of Hope No 2679), Stuart Boyd … Read more

MEGS Address to Provincial Grand Chapter of Shropshire 2016

On Saturday 2nd April 2016, the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, Peter Allan Taylor, delivered his address to the members and distinguished brethren present. You can download the address by clicking here: Shropshire Provincial Royal Arch Address 2016 The post MEGS Address to Provincial Grand Chapter of Shropshire 2016 appeared first on shropshiremasons.

Paul is the new Second Provincial Grand Principal

Following Peter Elmore’s retirement from his office as the Second Provincial Grand Principal, Paul Renton was invested at the meeting of Provincial Grand Chapter, by the Grand Superintendent. Paul and Wendy Renton. Paul has served for three years as Assistant to the Provincial Grand Principals with responsibly for the Chorley and District, Leyland and District, … Read more