Building Bridges of Hope: Sam’s Place and the Freemasons of Country Pursuits Lodge United Effort to Empower Blackpool’s Youth

Blackpool Freemasons, particularly the Country Pursuits Lodge, in supporting Sam's Place is a testament to their commitment to community welfare. Freemasons in the area are known for their philanthropic efforts, supporting a wide range of causes and initiatives that benefit the local community

Discover how the Country Pursuits Lodge of West Lancashire No. 6615, based in St. Annes-On-Sea, champions the cause of Sam’s Place, a Blackpool charity dedicated to aiding children and young adults with disabilities. Learn about their collaborative efforts to enhance employability skills, promote inclusion, and support families in need.

What’s Your Answer?

A Mason is sometimes asked by a friend, a neighbour, or a business associate, “What do the Masons do?” The question may be worded more generally, “What are the Masons?” In either case, the Brother is challenged by the realization that there is no simple answer which he can rattle off ‘from the top of … Read more

The Spiritual Dimension of Freemasonry

The above definition of spirituality is a useful introduction to the content of this paper for regardless of Obedience, I’ve always believed that Freemasonry as a whole is mainly concerned with spirituality. Spirituality deals with the intangible, with the non-material, which is exactly what we do as freemasons at every temple meeting. We deal with the virtual, the symbolic, the intangible. We attempt to reach out to the GAOTU and to our own inner selves.