The Mysticism of the Royal Arch

by the late W. Bro. Lt.-Cdr. C. R. MANASSEH, P.M. London Grand Rank – London Grand Chapter Rank Lodge No. 3549 (Old Bradfield); P.Z., Chapter No. 2233 (Public Schools) 1027 (Shanghai Tuscan), 2060 (La France) The title of this paper does not imply that mysticism is confined in Masonry to the Royal Arch alone, and … Read more

Jim celebrates 60 ‘diamond’ years in Freemasonry

Daniel James Wilson (Jim) achieved a momentous milestone and celebrated his Masonic diamond jubilee at Kerneforde Hall, Carnforth, in a ceremony led by Assistant Provincial Grand Master David Grainger and hosted by Carnforth Lodge No 4951. David was accompanied and supported on this occasion by Lancaster and District Group Chairman Jim Wilson (no relation!) and fellow grand officer Chris Butterfield

Freemasonry in the Ottoman Empire

Freemasonry in the Ottoman Empire ‘Freemasonry in the Ottoman Empire: A History of the Fraternity and its Influence in Syria and the Levant’ by Dorothe Sommer (IB Tauris, 317 pages, £62)The June 2015 edition of popular history magazine “Derin Tarih” (Deep History) claimed to expose the “hidden history” of how Freemasonry played a key role … Read more