Rowly celebrates

A packed Ulverston Masonic Hall was the setting for the meeting of the Lodge of Furness No 995 which saw Rowly Saunders celebrate his 50th anniversary as a Freemason. Pictured from left to right, are: Robert Brady, Rowly Saunders and John Brady. Former Furness and South Lakeland Group Chairman Rowly holds grand rank and processed … Read more

Kipling and the Craft

Image of Rudyard Kipling who wrote thhis Tylers Toast

The need for this further essay was first made apparent to me when—in my capacity as Secretary of the Lodge and Editor of the Transactions—I began to receive inquiries from Brethren as far away as Vancouver and Singapore, asking for materials and information which might help them to complete their own papers on Kipling, and I found, to my surprise, that while our library contains a great deal of relevant material, there has never been a paper on Kipling in our Transactions.

Annual National Service Day – 26th June 2016

The fourteenth National Service Day took place at the National Memorial Arboretum, Alrewas, on Sunday 26th June 2016. With a large audience and many invited guests and participants, this event was splendidly organised by Gerald Rose, who is the Chairman of the National Service Veterans Foundation. W Bro Gerald is also a Past Master of Sutton Pilgrims Lodge, where he has been a member for over 50 years.