The Holy Saints John and Freemasonry

  “…AND DEDICATED TO THE HOLY SAINTS JOHN” An inquiry into the designation of the Saints John as Patron Saints of Freemasonry by W.Bro. Harvey L. Ward Jr. PM R.T. Schafer Lodge No. 350, F&AM Grand Lodge of Florida, Usa One of the primary purposes of Freemasonry is the education of its members.  Unfortunately, as the … Read more

Millennial Masons in England

Well, our brethren across the Atlantic are confronting this same situation in England, and the similarities and differences between our two societies are interesting to compare.

Masonic Archaeology

WITH reference to all those things which come within the various provinces of the seven liberal arts and sciences, Masonry occupies an extremely anomalous position. The theory of the Craft we all know. From one degree to another, we have paraded before us, assumptions of all knowledge, human and Divine