Robert Adam, Freemason and Pre-Eminent Neoclassical Architect of the Eighteenth Century

Robert Adam, FRS [7 May 1751] (3 Jul 1728-3 Mar 1792), was a pre-eminent British neoclassical architect of the eighteenth century, interior and furniture designer. Born in Kirkcaldy, Fife, son of William Adam (1689-1748), Scotland’s foremost architect of the time, and trained under him. With his older brother John, Robert took on the family business, which included … Read more

Kingsley Lodge celebrated its 125th Anniversary

On the 27th of October there was a very special birthday celebrated at Sheaf Close with a Banner rededication in the presence of the Provincial Executive, led by the Provincial Grand Master RWBro Max Bayes and 130 Brethren. Kingsley Lodge celebrated its 125th Anniversary of its concentration and unbroken run of 1000 regular meeting, quite … Read more

Why to Become A Freemason – The Attraction of values

When being asked, what would be the value of a diamond, mostly everybody answers in terms of higher amounts of money. A poor wanderer in the desert, in need of a cup of water, would probably give a better answer to this question, because he reflects of value in a different way. “Most valuable” for him means, “serving his needs and desires best”.