Brecon Freemasons welcome Llangasty Womens Institute

On Wednesday 13th June, the Brecon Freemasons played hosts to members of Llangasty Womens Institute. The ladies received a very informative presentation from V. Wor. Bro Dr Paul Calderwood on the origins of Freemasonry that then progressed through to Freemasony’s role in present day Society. The ladies were then invited into the Lodge Temple where … Read more

Freemasons walk across Morecambe Bay to raise money for Northwest Blood Bikes

A group of intrepid Freemasons in the Province of Cumberland and Westmorland, supported by their family as well as their dogs, completed the Annual ‘Cross Bay Walk’, to raise money for the charity Northwest Blood Bikes 45 people signed up for the event, which was organised by Freemason Peter Caunce and his wife Debi. On … Read more

Middlesex Armed Forces Lodge donates £500 to SAS Association

SAS Veterans visit the Colonel Sir David Stirling OBE, DSO Memorial on the Hill of Row looking towards the Perthshire mountains in Scotland (Col. Sir David Stirling was the founder of the SAS) It would come as no surprise that the Worshipful Master of Middlesex Armed Forces Lodge, No 9940 should choose as the nominated … Read more