Bolton & Manchester Freemasons donate £1000 to Homeless Aid UK

Over the summer break, on August 11th Bolton & Manchester Freemasons got together in Manchester city centre to raise money for Homeless Aid UK, a local group assisting the homeless in Bolton & Manchester. The idea of a pub crawl, with fines, to extract the most money out of the Brethren present was conceived and … Read more

Broken Column Dinner 2017

Broken Column Dinner 2017 Thursday, October 12th, 2017 On Monday 11th September 2017, Manchester Masons hosted their Annual Broken Column Dinner in the newly refurbished Goulburn Suite at Manchester Hall. The evening’s entertainment was courtesy of The Charleston Charlies, who specialise in playing popular hits from the roaring 20’s and 30’s. That wasn’t all though, … Read more