The Influence of Kings on Craft Freemasonry

‘From time immemorial’ we have been very fortunate in that our Craft has had the support of Royalty. Without that support I doubt that we would be in the same position as we are today, even taking into account our declining numbers. Royalty brought and registered a degree of class, charisma & gentlemanly behaviour to … Read more

Grand Lodge of Scotland ‘plants’ a Poppy Cross (or Star of David or Crescent Moon) on behalf of every Lodge in Scotland

The Grand Lodge of Scotland Each year the Grand Lodge of Scotland ‘plants’ a Poppy Cross (or Star of David or Crescent Moon) on behalf of every Lodge in Scotland in order to remember ‘en-masse’ all the Freemasons who were members of Lodges in Scotland and who served their country in wars and other conflicts. … Read more

The Official History of Freemasonry – Part 2

The Three Stages Theory of Origin Until a few years ago, most Masons accepted the direct descend theory from Medieval Masonry to the modern Craft through three stages: operative, transitional and speculative. The first lodges regulated the trade of stonemasons working on the construction of castles, abbeys, and cathedrals. From the beginning of the seventeenth … Read more