LODGES OF FRIENDSHIP – ANNUAL GATHERING | Provincial Grand Lodge of Worcestershire

The special meeting, held under dispensation from the PGM saw Lodges of Friendship from all over the country getting together to strengthen the bond of their association through having the same name. Lodges from as far afield as, Cumberland & Westmorland and Devonshire attended the meeting with the next Lodge to host the Gathering, the Lodge of Friendship No. 100, in the Province of Norfolk taking over the Ceremonial Gavel to be used next year in Great Yarmouth.

John Bowes: Freemason, civil rights advocate and philantrhopist

Public display Civil rights advocate and art collector John Bowes seemed destined for masonic greatness. Philippa Faulks discovers the Provincial Grand Master who never was John Bowes is best known for the magnificent Bowes Museum in Barnard Castle, County Durham. Created with his wife Joséphine as a legacy for future generations, it now houses some of Britain’s … Read more

Work a second degree ceremony at The Lodge of Friendship and Sincerity at their May meeting – Dorset Freemasonry – The Three Pillars Club

Our New and Young Masons Group, “The Three Pillars Club” have had their most recent event and an ambitious one it was too! The Three Pillars were honoured to be invited to work a second degree ceremony at The Lodge of Friendship and Sincerity at their May meeting. Club members from 8 different lodges took … Read more