The Early Artists of Grand Lodge

In 2017, The United Grand Lodge of England appointed an Artist in Residence, the South African artist Jacques Viljoen, 28, who has a background in both classical painting and contemporary art. There have been many artists who have graced the annals of Freemasonry.

Freemasons Timeline Drama and Pageant has raised £2,100 so far

Peace, love and harmony? Those three essential Masonic commodities were apparently not very evident 300 years ago, as was delightfully demonstrated when the St Helens and Prescot peripatetic pageant players brought their excellent production of ‘A Timeline Drama and Pageant’ to Rowley Court, Lancaster at a meeting of the City of Lancaster Lodge No 281.

The Athole Family and Freemasonry

As the more energetic of the Grand Lodges, which formed the United Grand Lodge of England in 1813 was denominated the “Ancients” and the majority of the Lodges under its supervision were known as “Atholl” Lodges, it appeals to us that an article consisting of references thereto by many of the Masonic writers may not prove uninteresting.

A model of King Solomon’s Temple

T is not a little remarkable that the two cardinal epochs in English Freemasonry were associated with the appearance in London of Models of the Temple of Jerusalem. At the first epoch, that of the Revival of Freemasonry, the Model ascribed to Councillor Schott had arrived in London, and was on exhibition in 1723 and 1730