Installed Masters receives fascinating talk on Freemasonry and sport – Province of Leicestershire and Rutland Freemasons.

Installed Masters receives fascinating talk on Freemasonry and sport The Master of Installed Masters (W.Bro. John Pebdery), left, and W.Bro. Rex Hazeldine, right) At the Installation Meeting of the Leicestershire and Rutland Lodge of Installed Masters No.7896 on the 8th April 2016 the members and visitors were treated to an extremely informative lecture on Freemasonry … Read more

The social circuit: Freemasonry and Isle of Man TT racing

The social circuit  ‘Motorcycling is about friendship and it engenders a spirit of. There is a similar fraternal bond between Freemasons’ When king of speed Charlie Collier won the first Isle of Man Tourist Trophy (TT) race in 1907, he wore a three-piece tweed suit and was almost disqualified for having pedals on his bike. … Read more