The Mysticism of the Royal Arch

by the late W. Bro. Lt.-Cdr. C. R. MANASSEH, P.M. London Grand Rank – London Grand Chapter Rank Lodge No. 3549 (Old Bradfield); P.Z., Chapter No. 2233 (Public Schools) 1027 (Shanghai Tuscan), 2060 (La France) The title of this paper does not imply that mysticism is confined in Masonry to the Royal Arch alone, and … Read more

Freemasons donate £1,500 to Beenstock Nursing Home

On 20 November, Stephen Thomson, Manchester City Sykes District Charity Steward, presented a cheque for £1,500 from ELMC to Beenstock Home. Beenstock Home is a Nursing Home caring after adults aged over 65. The funds are to be used for sensory lights and sound equipment. Accompanying Stephen was Richard Bermitz, Manchester City Sykes District Deputy … Read more

Those Mysterious Pillars: BOAZ and JACHIN

In being associated with the construction industry and in having our lodges as a representation King Solomon’s Temple, there is in myself and perhaps many others, a wonderment of the origin, the design, and the building, of this magnificent structure. Many individuals care not how their home is erected, only that the paint, the woodwork, … Read more