The Official History of Freemasonry – Part 2

The Three Stages Theory of Origin Until a few years ago, most Masons accepted the direct descend theory from Medieval Masonry to the modern Craft through three stages: operative, transitional and speculative. The first lodges regulated the trade of stonemasons working on the construction of castles, abbeys, and cathedrals. From the beginning of the seventeenth … Read more

The Official History of Freemasonry – Part 5

In the later part of the eighteenth century the two main Grand lodges of England, the “Moderns” and the “Antients” Grand lodges, began to collaborate and to establish some communication lines between themselves. Many “Moderns” lodges adopted a ritual very similar to that used by the “Antients”, and most moderate Masons on both sides worked … Read more

Royal Arch Clothing

The Royal Arch Mason’s clothing includes robes, aprons, sashes, collars, chains and jewels. The 1766 rules of the Excellent Grand and Royal Chapter say that the Excellent Grand Principals will wear proper Robes, Caps, Jewels, but no Apron. All the Companions wear Aprons (unless they are authorised to wear Robes), and the Aprons shall be … Read more

City stories

Take a minute to look up from the pavement in the City of London and you will find historic gems that reveal a great deal about the founding of Freemasonry. Yasha Beresiner is your guide Hello and welcome to this tour of three of the historic masonic sites in the City of London that are … Read more