Kipling and the Craft

Image of Rudyard Kipling who wrote thhis Tylers Toast

The need for this further essay was first made apparent to me when—in my capacity as Secretary of the Lodge and Editor of the Transactions—I began to receive inquiries from Brethren as far away as Vancouver and Singapore, asking for materials and information which might help them to complete their own papers on Kipling, and I found, to my surprise, that while our library contains a great deal of relevant material, there has never been a paper on Kipling in our Transactions.

The Perfect Points of Entrance

In modern day Freemasonry clear reference is made to the perfect points of reference in the rituals in the United States of America: “Were I to ask you how I should know you to be a Mason, your answer should be: “By certain signs, a token, a word, and the points of my entrance.” The signs, token, and word have already been explained to you at the Altar

The Letter G

This paper is based on an article written by Harry Carr, P.A.G.D.C., P.M., Secretary of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge, 1963, in Volume 76 of the Transaction of that Lodge, page 170. The Letter G is one of those odd parts of masonic history that does not seem to follow a predictable path. The research that … Read more

The Perfect Points library

The meeting of ‘Perfect Points’ took place at Ridgmont House in Horwich. The Chorley researchers had chosen John Belton to deliver his talk, ‘Build your own inexpensive Masonic library’. John is an established Masonic author as well as being a member of The Quatuor Coronati Lodge No 2076 and also a member of the Manchester … Read more