Commemorating the Chernobyl Disaster.

Service of Commemoration for the 30th Anniversary of the Chernobyl Disaster. Guests in the Quire at Canterbury Cathedral Daniel John from Union Lodge No 127, Margate, and his wife Charlotte, who run the Herne Bay Link of the National Chernobyl Children’s Life Line Charity, together with Sarah Day from the Ashford Link, organised a cathedral … Read more

Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington and Freemason

Wellington by Goya

The eventful life of Arthur, Duke of Wellington, was evenly apportioned between a triumphant military career and an equally successful political one. His early involvement in both fields kept him away from home, which may explain why, notwithstanding his five-year membership of the Lodge in Trim, he never progressed beyond the first degree of Freemasonry. … Read more

The Freemason prisoners of war at Ruhleben Camp during WWI

On 18 December 1914 an extraordinary document arrived at Freemasons’ Hall in London addressed to Sir Edward Letchworth, the Grand Secretary. It began: ‘We, the undersigned brethren, at present interned with other British civilians at the concentration camp at Ruhleben, Spandau, Germany, send hearty good wishes to the Grand Master, officers and brethren in Great Britain, hoping that we may have the pleasure soon of greeting them personally.’

The story of Augustus John Smith philanthropist and Freemason

The welfare estate When Augustus John Smith signed a lease to run the Isles of Scilly, he created an infrastructure that would transform living conditions for the poor. Richard Larn OBE charts the life of this enthusiastic Freemason and philanthropist While the Victorian era produced countless well-educated young men from wealthy British families, Augustus John Smith stood out. … Read more

Freemasonry in the occupied Channel Islands during World War II

On British soil With Freemasonry banned in Germany, Jersey’s Past Provincial Grand Master David Rosser explains what the Nazi occupation of the Channel Islands in World War II meant for local members of the Craft The story of Jersey’s occupation by the Nazis is unique not only in masonic terms, but in the history of World … Read more