Freemasons of Tudor Lodge 9635 raise £1500 for Children First Derby

Tudor Lodge held a Charity evening at the Grange Banqueting Suite on 22nd February when a near capacity audience enjoyed a concert by the Dalesmen Male Voice Choir, who had given their services free for the evening.

The concert had been arranged by the Worshipful Master of Tudor Lodge, also the General Secretary of the Dalesmen in order to raise funds for the local Charity Children First Derby.

Ecclesburne Lodge № 2425 Support Derby Mountain Rescue Team and Guide Dogs (Derby)

At his Installation on October 19th 2015 WBro John Young PPGReg, WM explained that during his year as Master he wanted raise funds for Derby Mountain Rescue Team and Guide Dogs (Derby) being involved with both charities as John and his wife Janet were both Puppy Walkers for Guide Dogs for five years and John is a member of the Derby Mountain Rescue Team’s Supporters Group and their youngest son, Mark is a Section Leader within the Team

St Werburga Lodge’s “Cultural Fusion” night

Almost ninety people supported St Werburga Lodge and its very first “Cultural Fusion” night at the Grange Banqueting Suite on Saturday, 7th May.  After feasting on Indian food, the diners enjoyed a display of Bollywood dancing and had the opportunity to learn the moves.  See here to share the fun. A raffle raised £505 for the Provincial Grand Charity’s … Read more