Aleister Crowley and Freemasonry

Aleister Crowley and Freemasonry Aleister Crowley and Freemasonry Aleister Crowley, a brilliant student of symbolism and ritual, had at least four major contacts with Freemasonry as a complete body. In 1900, while in Mexico, Crowley became involved with a Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted (Scottish) Rite. This period of Central American Craft Freemasonry … Read more

Joint statement on Grande Loge Nationale Française (GLNF)

Grande Loge Nationale Française  In 2012 the United Grand Lodge of England, the Grand Lodge of Ireland and the Grand Lodge of Scotland (the Home Grand Lodges), because of internal problems within the Grande Loge Nationale Française (GLNF), each withdrew recognition from the GLNF. This action was undertaken in the belief that it was in … Read more

Statement on Grande Loge Nationale Française (GLNF)

Quarterly Communication  12 March 2014  A Statement by The President of the Board of General Purposes, RW Bro Anthony Wilson, concerning Grande Loge Nationale Française (GLNF)  MW Pro Grand Master and Brethren, in September last the Grand Chancellor made a short statement on our position with regard to the GLNF. The Board has continued to … Read more

Statement by the Grand Chancellor on the Grande Loge Nationale Française (GLNF)

Quarterly Communication 11 September 2013 A statement by the Grand Chancellor Derek Dinsmore on the Grande Loge Nationale Française (GLNF)  MW Pro Grand Master and brethren, Grand Lodge will recall that twelve months ago it voted to withdraw recognition from the Grande Loge Nationale Française (GLNF). Since then the Board and its External Relations Committee have continued … Read more