Jean-Ovide Decroly – Freemason, Belgian doctor and educator

Jean-Ovide Decroly was born on July 23rd, 1871 in Ronse, Belgium. He studied medicine at the University of Ghent and spent half a year studying at the University of Berlin. At the University of Berlin he studied the action of toxins and antitoxins on general nutrition. After starting his medical practice he became involved in a school for mentally and physically disabled children. It was through his work at the school that Decroly became interested in education.

The first French speaking Lodge in the United States

When the Grand Orient of France chartered La Loge Française of Richmond, Virginia, in 1849, it became the first French speaking Lodge in the United States. Later that year on November 1, members of the Grand Lodge of Virginia and St. Johns Lodge #36 met with the brothers of La Loge Française in the first recognition of a “regular” or English Lodge and a “clandestine” or French Rite Lodge to take place in America.