Walter Cary Wilcox, “The Mason’s Boy”

In October, 1878 Walter Cary Wilcox was about 4 ½ years old, alone and orphaned. His mother was dead by yellow fever, and his father had died a few years earlier when Walter was five months old

Temple of Athene, No. 9541 – A Tribute to Who, Why, Where and When – Talk

Temple of Athene Lodge No. 9541 Research Lodge of the Province of MiddlesexWednesday 1st June 2016 at 5.00 p.m. 89th Regular and 22nd Installation meeting. Consecration 22nd June 1994Temple of Athene, No. 9541 – A Tribute to Who, Why, Where and When Inaugural Paper by W. Bro. Michael Le Gray, PSGD, PAPGM, LGR Harrow District … Read more