The Masonic Funeral Service as set out by The Grand Lodge of Ireland.

Brethren, I have recently received a couple of Masonic enquiries from Irish Brethren wishing to learn about the form of The Masonic Funeral service, that used to be conducted under the auspices of The Grand Lodge of Ireland. Having now had a look into the background and history of the Funeral Service, I thought that it might be of interest to you all, to have some details on this important aspect of Irish tradition from our earliest days.


Born in Salzburg on 27th January 1756, he was baptized the following day at St. Ruperts Cathedral as Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart. Theophilus means ‘beloved of God’ and Mozart later used the Latin form Amadeus, -stylized sometimes as Amade or Amadeo- or the German form Gottlieb. His father, Johann Georg Leopold Mozart was born in Augsburg in Bavaria, where the Mozart family can be traced back to the 14thCentury

Masonic Funeral Service

The Masonic Funeral Service Originally published in The Missouri Freemason “Nuggets From The Quarry” column by RWB Phil Elam, MMBBFMN #408 Regarding Masonic Funerals, Article 24 of the Missouri Grand Lodge Constitution and By-Laws reads thusly: “Masonic Funeral Services may be conducted for a Master Mason in good standing or for a Fellow Craft or … Read more