The Blazing Star

there has been very little agreement among our scholars either as to its (the letter ‘G’) origin or to its meaning. Usually, we can hit upon the manner in which a symbol was introduced into the Ritual by studying the records of the early eighteenth century in England, at which time and place the Ritual was cast in its modern form, but such a study cannot help us here because the eighteenth century Masons were themselves confused about the matter

The Letter G

This paper is based on an article written by Harry Carr, P.A.G.D.C., P.M., Secretary of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge, 1963, in Volume 76 of the Transaction of that Lodge, page 170. The Letter G is one of those odd parts of masonic history that does not seem to follow a predictable path. The research that … Read more

Some thoughts on the history of the Tracing Boards

Some thoughts on the history of the Tracing Boards Presented at the Vancouver Grand Masonic Day, October 16, 1999 by Bro. Mark S. Dwor, Centennial-King George Lodge No. 171 RITUAL The next step in understanding this story is the evolution of the Ritual. During the Eighteenth Century there was a tremendous growth in Ritual. How … Read more