Millennial Masons in England

Well, our brethren across the Atlantic are confronting this same situation in England, and the similarities and differences between our two societies are interesting to compare.


Freemasonry continues an initiatic tradition whose beginnings are lost in antiquity. This statement cannot be proven historically.Yet the more you study Masonic rites and its symbols, the more you become convinced that you are dealing with something ancient, maybe even primordial. It becomes clear that this tradition is much older than Masonrys institutional beginnings in 1717, older than the cathedral builders and medieval guilds, older even than King Solomons Temple or the Egyptian Pyramids.

A Gentleman’s Introduction To The Seven Liberal Arts

The fundamental objective of engaging with the liberal arts lies in honing the mind's capacity for critical thinking, rather than merely instructing it on the contents to think about

The purpose of learning the arts is to train the mind how to think (as opposed to what to think).  By combining the seven liberal arts with the five senses, one can distinguish between reality and fiction. This can be visually represented with a Pythagorean triangle.