The Characteristics of a Freemason

As a point of departure and a brief introduction to our new member, let us look at him as he progresses through the various ceremonies involved in becoming a Freemason. During the course of his initiation, he was admonished to consider the volume of the sacred law an unerring standard of truth and justice and to regular his life by the divine precepts which it contains

Masonic Etiquette

The multiple uses and diversity in meanings of words have made it customary in academic papers to give a definition of key words or terms of the reference topic in order that the audience may better be enabled to distinguish, comprehend and appreciate the ‘whence-from’ and ‘whither-to’ of the speaker. Given the time at our disposal, I will restrict this to just a single definition of the terms ‘etiquette’ and ‘masonic’.

The Traditional History of The Order of Women Freemasons

Brethren, our order was formed in March 1908 when we were called The Honourable Fraternity of Antient Masonry. We are a regular Masonic Order open to all women, unlike Adoptive Masonry which restricts its membership to women who are fortunate to have Masons among their near family. As you know, we are open to all women of full age, of good report and holding a belief in a Supreme Being.