Whom Have You There? Biographies of the men behind the Portraits Provincial Grand Lodge of Nottinghamshire

The biographies reflect the changing socio-economic status of these men from wealthy land owning members of the nobility to middle class business men and professionals. It is set in a period of immense change in Freemasonry with the expansion of Lodges and growth in membership.

Peter Lowndes on our Districts and the Universities Scheme

Strong constitution Pro Grand Master Peter Lowndes explains how UGLE has been supporting Districts across the world and looks closer to home at the recommendations of the Universities Scheme Committee One of my pleasurable duties is, along with the other Rulers, visiting our Districts. In June I was in Trinidad and Tobago and, more recently, … Read more

Report of the Board of General Purposes – 11 September 2013

Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge 11 September 2013 Report of the Board of General Purposes  Minutes The Minutes of the Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge of 12 June 2013 were confirmed. Meetings in 2014 The Board of General Purposes will meet in 2014 on 11 February, 18 March, 13 May, 15 July, 16 September and 11 November. … Read more