60 years in the Royal Arch for E. Comp. Arthur Back

On a bright Wednesday morning, looking out on to fields with horses, we met with E.Comp.Arthur Charles Back. The ‘we’ being E.Comp.Alan Peters PAGDC, outgoing Assistant to the Provincial Grand Principals, E.Comp.Andrew Elliott AGDC, the newly appointed Assistant to the Provincial Grand Principals, and E.Comp.Mike Purdy PPrGSN, Scribe E of Argus Chapter No.5903. Our reason … Read more

Excellent Presentation of the Exaltation Ceremony – Worcestershire Provincial Grand Chapter

Excellent Presentation of the Exaltation Ceremony

Thursday 2nd June 2016 saw 39 Companions attend the Regular Convocation of White Ensign Chapter. With 19 Chapter members and 20 Visitors, including the 7 Members of the Provincial Presentation Team, the Chapter Room had a superb ambiance, and, once the Presentation Team commenced their enactment of the Exaltation Ceremony the assembled company were enthralled by the demonstration and explanation that unfolded before them.

Chapters’ join forces for the “Keep Me Close” Appeal – Provincial Grand Lodge of Devonshire

Provincial Grand Lodge of Devonshire In October 2015 The Trinity Chapter 2595 joined forces with their mother Chapter Pleiades 710 to host a very successful combined ladies evening which was held at the Royal Seven Stars in Totnes. On the night £600 was raised and it was agreed by the respective first ladies that this … Read more

Installed First Principals Installation Meeting – Province of Leicestershire and Rutland Freemasons.

Chapter of Installed First Principals – Installation Meeting On Tuesday 15th March 2016, at Freemasons’ Hall, Leicester, the Leicestershire and Rutland Chapter of Installed First Principals, No 7896, took another step forward. This was the day of the Installation of the new Principals and Chapter Officers for the ensuing year. The three Principals are seen … Read more