Oxton Lodge go Daylight

For more information about Freemasonry in the Province of Cheshire visit http://www.cheshiremasons.co.uk/

Oxton Lodge No: 3462, which meets at Clifton Road, Birkenhead, will from Tuesday 6th March, become a ‘Daylight Lodge’, with its first Meeting, as such, tyling 11:30am. The Lodge, which will now meet four times a year, October, November (Installation), March and April, will extend a warm Welcome to any Brethren for whom meeting in the … Read more

Diamond Celebration at St Johns Lodge

Diamond Celebration at St Johns Lodge September 2016 Tuesday 13th September was the hottest day of the year so far, with a temperature in Kent recorded at a balmy 34c (hotter than Mexico City!).  It also saw the Provincial Grand Master, Norman Eric Heaviside, along with a Deputation of his Officers, pay a full team … Read more