Salford Freemasons Tercentenary Ball

Saturday 6th May saw the Salford District lodges celebrate the Tercentenary of Freemasonry by hosting a Ball at Hemsley House, Salford for the brethren, non-masons and their ladies. The evening started with the reception at 6pm, with all the guests moving through to the dining room at 6:30pm. The guests were greeted by the Chairman … Read more

50 years in Masonry on the 20th April 2016, WBro Graham Ellis – News from Salford District

A resolute member of the Salford District achieved 50 years in Masonry on the 20th April 2016. WBro Graham Ellis reached the occasion in the company of members of his Lodge, an APGM, an APGP, Officers of United Grand Lodge, the District Chairman, District Team and personal guests from Kinship Chapter. The Lodge was opened … Read more

Townley Parker Lodge No 1083 – 150 years – Manchester Districts News

On Monday 25th April at Manchester Hall, Townley Parker Lodge celebrated its 150th anniversary. After the Lodge was opened and on the conclusion of its normal business, the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, VWBro Derek Nelson Thornhill PGSwdB was received, accompanied by a Provincial Delegation. The WM, Bro J Wilson offered the gavel to the Deputy … Read more

Special Family Installation – Manchester Districts News

Special Family Installation On 3rd March 2016 at Arkscroll Lodge No 6594, Bro Oliver Basger was Installed as the Worshipful Master. Taking the ceremony on this occasion was his father, WBro David Basger, Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies and an Assistant to the Provincial Grand Principals. After the Lodge was opened and the usual … Read more