Freemasons Charity Cycle Ride raises £600 for the British Heart Foundation

Andy Palmer was installed as Master of United Service Lodge No. 3124 for the second time in October 2016. He wanted to do something to assist the lodge’s charitable work during his year in office. In a moment of madness he decided to sign up for the London to Brighton Cycle ride. To say he is a keen cyclist is stretching the point – a ‘Sunday’ cyclist is nearer the mark.

Just singin’ in the rain

The weather looked a bit grim but then such was the prognosis for a Sunday morning in spring which found cyclists from the Preston and South Fylde Groups gearing up to tackle the Preston Guild Wheel yet again. Others, prefering a more sedate pace, opted for a six-mile walk. The object of the exercise was … Read more

Bike ride to Paris raises £5k for Acorns Children’s Hospice Trust

Hospice gets Parisian boost Four members of St Augustine’s Lodge, No. 3713, and Redditch Rugby Club set off on a bike ride from the club to Paris with five friends to raise funds for the Acorns Children’s Hospice Trust. The four-day trip covered 320 miles, with the cyclists resting at 20- to 30-mile intervals. Around £5,000 … Read more