Quill and Key Lodge – New Honours Board

Worshipful Master Martyn Hale admires the new board. A good attendance to witness the Dedication of an Honours Board by the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Eric John Rymer at Northfield on Tuesday 25th October. During his address he welcomed those who had gathered together to participate in or witness the dedication of the Lodges new … Read more

Royds Lodge – 50th Certificate for W. Bro. Brian Berrow | Provincial Grand Lodge of Worcestershire

Royds Lodge – 50th Certificate for W. Bro. Brian Berrow W. Bro. Brian Berrow of Royds Lodge, No. 1204, was presented with the PGM’s Certificate for 50 Years’ Service to Freemasonry by, W. Bro. Colin Young, on 21 April 2016 At Brian’s special request a non-masonic dinner was held to mark this occasion and Brian’s … Read more