The Moderns & The Antients

BY BRO. ARTHUR HEIRON Bro. Heiron is the author of Ancient Freemasonry and the Old Dundee Lodge, No. 18 [1722-1920], a most interesting account of lodge life two hundred years ago. The present paper was read before the Manchester Association for Masonic Research in May, 1924. IT is common knowledge that prior to 1813 the … Read more

A Lecture on Various Rituals of Freemasonry by Rev George Oliver D.D

Delivered in the Witham Lodge, LincoIn, 1863, by THE REV. G. OLIVER, D.D. PAST D.P.G.M. FOR LINCOLNSHIRE;Honorary Member of numerous Lodges and Literary Societies in various parts of the World. BRETHREN, It is rather late in life for me to appear before a Lodge of intelligent Masons in the capacity of a lecturer; and it … Read more


A Review of James Anderson’s Report on the First Six Years of Organised Freemasonry by RW OSSIAN LANG, Grand Historian, 1932


There has been a great deal of difference of opinion among the historians of architecture as to where and when Gothic began. English writers, who have a very natural desire to claim for their own land the glory of the discovery of the art, date it at 1100 A.D. or earlier, and find its first manifestations at Durham; whereas French writers almost unanimously hold that Gothic began first of all in the region round about Paris, in what was once called the Ile de France, and say that the Abbey Church of St. Denis, begun in 1140, is to be regarded as the first known Gothic monument. It appears that a majority of the more modern writers incline to agree with the French theory. Porter dates the new style as beginning in Paris about 1163, and says that it reached its culmination in the year 1220, with the nave of Amiens.