Freemasons donate £10,000 to Norfolk Carers Support Charity

Dozens of children who care for sick and disabled family members are to receive a boost from a £10,000 grant.

The large donation to the Norfolk Carers Support charity was provided by the Norfolk Freemasons which came through The Masonic Charitable Foundation – funded by Freemasons from across England and Wales.

It will allow Norfolk Carers Support to continue with its young carers project.

Freemasons Presents £400 to Rainbows Hospice

On Sunday 30th April 2017, the Old Oakhamian Lodge meeting in Oakham held its annual Ladies Lunch at the stunning venue of Launde Abbey, East Norton, with over sixty people in attendance. During the afternoon a collection was made through generous donations from the lodge and a raffle, enabling W.Bro Chris Gibbins to present a cheque of £400 to Rainbows Hospice, Loughborough.