Freemasons Connect with Civil War – Pennsylvania Masons

On April 10, 2015 to commemorate the Sesquicentennial (150 years) of Confederate General Robert E. Lee’s surrender to Union General Ulysses S. Grant. These notable Civil War reenactors, calling from north to south, each share one thing in common – they are all brother Masons – with many of them hailing from Pennsylvania Lodges.


Douglas MacArthur – Freemason, American five-star general and field marshal of the Philippine Army

Douglas MacArthur lived his entire life, from cradle to grave, in the United States Army. He spent his early years in remote sections of New Mexico, where his father, Arthur MacArthur Jr., commanded an infantry company. As a teenager, Arthur had served with distinction in the Union Army, eventually earning the Congressional Medal of Honor for leading a courageous assault up Missionary Ridge in Tennessee. But he soon discovered that life in the post-Civil War U.S. Army held little of the glamour he knew during the war.


Bro. Sheldon A. Munn (a member of Lafayette Lodge #194, Selins Grove, PA) is a student of the Civil War, particularly the Battle of Gettysburg. Bro Munn gives many lectures as well as writing on the Civil War and is a licensed Battlefield Guide at Gettysburg We thank him for preparing this Short Talk Bulletin. … Read more

Behind the Unknown Warrior

Known and yet not well known Past Grand Chaplain and member of the Supreme Council of the 33rd Degree, Rev Dr John Railton explores the origins of the Unknown Warrior At the west end of the nave of Westminster Abbey, covered by a slab of black Belgian marble, is the grave of the Unknown Warrior. The body was … Read more