Freemasons Charity Lunch Raises over £5000

  Every Penny Counts Campaign The Worshipful Master of Cheshire Farmers Lodge, David Lewis, his wife, Carolyn, son Simon and daughter-in -law Alex hosted a Charity Lunch on Sunday 29th July at Park Farm, Crewe Green. There were 160 guests made up of Masons, their wives, other family, and friends who were all accommodated in … Read more

Freemasons Auction of Promises something to sing about!

The long-awaited Auction of Promises was held at Oswestry’s Wynnstay Hotel on 1st July in the presence of Provincial Grand Master Peter Taylor and his lady Pat. There were nearly 70 lots provided, from a beautiful ring through paintings, bottles and promises of flights, holidays, tuition in an array of skills, and much more besides. Auctioneer Michael Tomley was called on for all of his professional wiles as he attempted to part over 100 people from their cash.

Grand Auction of Promises – the Catalogue

Provincial Grand Lodge for Shropshire Friday, 1st July 2016 at 7pm               GRAND CHARITY AUCTION Supporting The 2019 Shropshire Festival in aid of The Freemasons’ Grand Charity The Wynnstay Hotel Friday, 1st July 2016 What’s this evening all about?  In the first instance it’s about having fun; about enjoying the company of our friends and families … Read more

Auction of Promises

To bid, or not to bid? This will be the question occupying many a Masonic mind on the evening of Friday the 1st July. This is the date of the Auction of Promises – the Province’s major summer 2019 Festival Appeal support event. The venue Oswestry’s Georgian style Wynnstay Hotel, which will welcome up to … Read more