Northumberland Freemasons present more than £125,000 to charities and deserving projects

Northumberland Freemasons held a special evening at Newcastle East Masonic Hall to present more than £125,000 to charities and deserving projects throughout the region.

The Trustees of the Richard Henry Holmes Benevolent Fund meet twice a year to consider any requests for financial help and support from worthy causes in the Northumberland, Newcastle and North Tyneside areas.

Northumberland Freemasons donate to numerous good causes

Alnwick Lodge, which is marking its 150th birthday this year, has donated £10,000 to Alnwick Christmas Lights and Alnwick Garden Trust, as well as £1,000 to Alnwick Town Juniors Football Club and the Evie Campbell Fund.Earlier this year, the Alnwick branch donated £10,000 to Alnwick League of Friends. The funds come from a £300,000 kitty available to Northumberland Freemasons, as part of celebrations to mark the Freemasons’ 300th anniversary.

What is Freemasonry

Ladies and Gentlemen, I am here this evening to afford you some information upon Freemasonry; a matter which is not generally understood by the outside world, and not always even by the members of the Craft. De Quincey, in his Essay upon Secret Societies, tells the following tale. ” I once heard a poor fellow … Read more