Containing more real food for thought, and impressing on the receptive mind a greater truth than any other of the emblems in the lecture of the Sublime Degree, the 47th problem of Euclid generally gets less attention, and certainly less than all the rest. Just why this grand exception should receive so little explanation in our lecture; just how it has happened, that, although the Fellowcrafts degree makes so much of Geometry, Geometrys right hand should be so cavalierly treated, is not for the present inquiry to settle

Famous Freemasons – Abd-el-Kader

Abd-el-Kader (1807-1883) Algerian patriot and emir of Mascara. b. near Mascara, his family were Sherifs or descendants of Mohammed, and his father, Mahi-ed-Din, was celebrated throughout north Africa for his piety and charity. He received an excellent education in theology, philosophy and the manly arts such as horsemanship

Ancient Evidences – Cleopatra’s needle

The Builder, Cleopatra’s needle & Ancient Evidences G. W. Baird , P.G.M., District of Columbia It was the good fortune of the writer to see the great obelisk called Cleopatra’s needle, as it stood at Alexandria and also to witness the “opening of a house” in Pompeii. The two Monoliths known as Cleopatra’s needles had been brought … Read more


THE FIVE NOBLE ORDERS OF ARCHITECTURE   By: Perce J. George – Brother Perce George is a member of Mannum Lodge #97, Grand Lodge of South Australia. Our rituals, as a general rule are reasonably straight forward and self explanatory, but on occasion some matters are only touched upon briefly and in consequence, can leave one … Read more

Swedenborgian Rite

By Bro. R. A. Gilbert [14 September 1995] SWEDENBORG: THE MAN AND HIS WORK One thing is certain: Swedenborg himself had nothing to do with it — neither with the late 18th century Rite that has come to bear his name, nor with its bizarre successor that is the subject of this paper. But in … Read more