Grand Secretary’s column – Winter 2014

From the Grand  Secretary Gathering the views and opinions of our members has never been more important. We are determined to continue to work closely with Metropolitan London, the Provinces and the Districts throughout the English Constitution. This is demonstrated by an inclusive approach when deciding new initiatives. Let me give you some examples from this year. … Read more

Report of the Board of General Purposes – 11 June 2014

Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge 11 June 2014 Report of the Board of General Purposes Minutes The Minutes of the Quarterly Communication of 12 March 2014 and of the Annual Investiture of 30 April 2014 were confirmed. Annual Dues  The Board’s recommendation for the annual dues payable to Grand Lodge in respect of each member of … Read more

Pro Grand Master’s address – September 2013

Quarterly Communication 11 September 2013 An address by the MW the Pro Grand Master Peter Lowndes  Brethren, one of my pleasurable duties is, along with the other Rulers, visiting our Districts and in June I was in Trinidad and Tobago and, more recently, I visited Zimbabwe. Brethren before any of you start to think that the Grand … Read more

London beneath the covers

London beneath the covers London Hidden Interiors author Philip Davies gives an exclusive tour around some of the capital’s best conserved and least known interiors – including Freemasons’ Hall Aldwych Underground StationStrand, WC2R 1EP Listed: Grade II Aldwych Underground Station opened as Strand on 30 November 1907, rechristened Aldwych in 1915. An oddity from its … Read more

The social circuit: Freemasonry and Isle of Man TT racing

The social circuit  ‘Motorcycling is about friendship and it engenders a spirit of. There is a similar fraternal bond between Freemasons’ When king of speed Charlie Collier won the first Isle of Man Tourist Trophy (TT) race in 1907, he wore a three-piece tweed suit and was almost disqualified for having pedals on his bike. … Read more