President of the Mark Benevolent Fund presents £18,000 Blood Bike named ‘Mark Master Mason’

£18,000 Blood Bike named ‘Mark Master Mason’ was formally handed over by the President of the Mark Benevolent Fund in presence of PGMs Durham and Northumberland.

National Blood Bikes were represented by Kirsty Lawrence, Nigel Barlow Jerry Trowbridge and Graham Moor.

Blood Bikes is a charitable organisation established by local volunteers to deliver essential blood and urgent medical supplies, out of hours, between hospitals and healthcare sites and laboratories

The Allied Masonic Degrees – Red Cross of Babylon and the Holy Order of the Grand High Priest

A reprint of an article published in Freemasonry Today Issue 25, Summer 2003 © Grand Lodge Publications Ltd 1997-2014 The Allied Masonic Degrees Keith Jackson Reviews the Red Cross of Babylon and the Holy Order of the Grand High Priest The Grand Council of the Order of Allied Masonic Degrees now controls five degrees which are ‘beyond … Read more

A.G.Mackey – Selected Writings – Royal and Select

During research I was doing into the Holy Royal Arch of Jerusalem I came across a book in the George Holden library at the Solent Masonic Centre at Freshwater, Isle of Wight called the Book of the Chapter and printed in the United States in 1856, the Author being the famous American Masonic historian Albert Mackey MD. The book had been part of the collection of the Bombay Masonic Library in the latter half of the 19th century.