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Swanage Freemasons support local Dementia charity

Derek Evans raised a very healthy £1845 during his year in the Chair of DeMoulham Lodge. He chose to make a presentation to a very worthwhile local charity, Swanage Area Dementia Community. They aim to raise awareness and understanding of Dementia in the Swanage Area

Derek can be seen in this photograph presenting the a cheque to Jean Gibbs, Chair of Swanage Area Dementia Community, on behalf of the members of DeMoulham Lodge. Jean is a retired head teacher of children with special needs.

The £1845.00 will go towards supporting an Admiral Nurse in the Purbeck community. Admiral Nurses are specialist one-to one nurses who support and give expert advice to families living with dementia.The charity has 36 members including the local Mayor, Health Centre, Library, Care Homes, Churches, Dorset CCG, Tourist Board, Police, Rotary, Lions and those with a family member with dementia. They also now run a fortnightly community singing group in local church room

The picture attached was published in The Purbeck Gazette.